Monday, May 15, 2017

Mother's Day and ALL It Stands For

In my faith and the way that I was raised we put a lot of emphasis on Mother's Day.  Maybe even more than Father's Day.  For us its about honoring Mother, future Mothers and those who would be Mother's if they could.  Its a celebration of womenhood and all that it stands for.

This has caused a little bit of an issue for our family.  Our oldest daughter married into a family that does not hold Mother's Day in the same regard.  Her husband's family only uses  Mother's Day to honor those who have children and even then, without the importance placed on the day.

In order to overcome that issue, my husband not only honors his Mother and myself, but his sisters and our two adult daughters.  He does this to let all the adult women in the family know that they are valued and respected and teaches our daughters to expect to be treated accordingly.

In spite of that little glitch, Mother's Day was a great day.  I went to church where they honored Mother's,then I got to do a little relaxing.  In the evening we went over to my husband's sister's house for a family Mother's Day celebration.    There were 27 people there.

My gifts were small but thoughtful from a glass water bottle, cards and christian themed coloring book from my husband, to a necklace, stuffed owl, cards and a painting given by my children.

I made sure to call my Mother as well.  There was a Facebook Meme going around before Mother's Day claiming Mother's Day is not about you it's about your Mother.  That is a difficult sentiment for those whose mothers no longer live or live very far away.

For me I will always see Mother's Day as a celebration of Women and their rightful role in the world.  A place where women can be honored for their potential to give life.  I feel that motherhood is the most important role a woman can have and I will not be ashamed of that opinon.

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