Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sometimes a step back is needed to go forward

Earlier this week my computer got a virus.  Even with my anti virus protection this virus hit my computer.  Computer viruses can do anything from slow your computer down, to sending personal information such as credit card and bank account information to a 3rd party or even make it impossible for your computer to work..

It took me a full day to run virus scans and then ultimately reset my computer in order to get rid of the virus.  That meant that I was unable to use my computer effectively during that time.  In the past I have relied on someone else to fix computer problems for me, but I am working on a path toward self sufficiency and wanted to try to fix it myself.  I learned that I could learn how to do new things with technology and that I wasn't hopeless when it came to computers.

Sometimes in our businesses and our lives things happen and we have to take a step back.  We may need to take the time to access the situation, discover issues and work towards fixing them.  During this time you may feel like you are going backwards instead of going in the direction that you want to go.

If you want to shoot an arrow forward you first must pull it back.  If you want to chop a tree down effectively you must first make sure your ax is sharp.

Sometimes the best thing you can do for your life is to take that step or two back.  You may even discover that you need to change direction.  This time is not a time of failure, but  time to reflect on where you have been and focus on making sure what you are doing is going to help you to reach your goals.  If what you are doing is not going to help you reach your goals then something needs to change.

You may find that you may need to reach out to someone for coaching or encouragement.  You may realize that you are doing okay and just need to recharge and rejuvenate.  You may realize that the actions that you thought you needed to take were not working and you need a new plan altogether.

Any way you look at it taking a time out to reevaluate, rest and look ahead to the future is a valuable part of working towards achieving your dreams.

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