Thursday, May 11, 2017

Evolving Myself and My Purpose Through Branding

As I have been going through this journey this last year and a half I have been hearing a word from many different sources.  That word is Branding.  It is a hot word in the direct sales community that wasn't there when I started.

So what is branding?  Branding is making you stand out from all of the other direct sales people in your company.  Its the reason that people go to you instead of someone else.  It is what draws people to you.  If you do your branding right people will remember you instead of someone else.  Its the difference between A & W Root Beer and Generic versions.

Let me tell you something.  When I first started hearing this word, I ignored it.  I felt I didn't need to brand myself.  I was who I was and people could either take me or leave me.  Then I kept hearing about it.  When you are hearing about it  almost daily even hardheaded and stubborn people like me take notice.

Last night I realized something, between this blog my Plexus business and my Fundanoodle business I have a unique set of views, services and products.  Rather than looking at them as separate entities, it would be easier to think of each thing as a part of a whole.  This is where branding comes in.

I already have this blog, a twitter feed and a business page all with unique world mom in them.  That is part of my branding.  I have decided to build a website around this brand.  With this website I can direct people to any of the things that I am doing.

As I evolve my blog you will eventually find a wider variety of content as I include writings on health, early education, personal development, business development, book reviews and other subjects that feel important in my life.  Above all I am a wife and mother.  You may even find me writing on various challenges and triumphs that I deal with on a regular basis in that aspect as well.

Lifestyle blogging are new words I am trying out.  I want to appeal to an audience with varied interests.  As I learn and grow through this experience you will find my blogs and websites will continue to grow and evolve with me.

Overall you will find this blog going through another transitional phase and some growing pains.  Bear with me as it does.  Hopefully it will become more than I could have ever hoped for.  Isn't that what all us want for our creations?

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