Thursday, August 3, 2017

Integrity and goal commitment

This week I was paired up with a couple of people in one of my businesses to work on goals that we each individually set for the month of August.  Originally I wasn't going to participate in the program, but I had to ask myself if I wanted to succeed in business can I afford to not participate in the group.

Originally I was put with one other person and we were to be each others accountability partner, but then another person was added because her partner dropped out of the challenge.  I don't know what happened, but we were told that she had decided to go another way.

When we agree to do something and then back out, it damages our credibility in ourselves and with others.

I recently took a quiz about my credibility level.  I found that when it came to my values and doing things aligned with my values I was doing pretty well.  When it came to my competence and results my credibility needed a lot of work.  While its true I have gained a lot of knowledge on how to do things in the industry of direct sales and I continue to seek after more knowledge, my application in the past has been weak.  I do all the things that are asked of me, participate in all of the challenges and yet have lacked the results that I have desired and failed to reach goals that I have set for myself.

Because of this I have backed off on goals and set lower ones only to do it again when those are not met either.  Part of the reason for this is that my confidence takes a hit with each goal that I do not achieve in the desired time period.

Every time I do not achieve a goal I harm my personal integrity and confidence in my ability.

I have found that achieving goals that ultimately rely on the actions of others to be very difficult.  I can do all the activity the challenges ask for and set goals for what I do, but because of my lack of confidence in others making the decision that will help me reach my goals, I have difficulty getting the results that I want.

I like to believe that I am a person of great integrity and that others can trust me, but do I ultimately give off a vibe that I lack confidence and shouldn't be trusted?  Is that why I can't seem to gain business or team mates.

I find myself in a never ending cycle of each failed goal making a dent in my integrity and then my commitments to my goals.

I plan on changing that.  Its time to set a different type of goal.  Its time to stop hesitating to reach out to those who can benefit from what I have to offer.  Its the beginning of the month and so I am going to put it out there.  I have 2 Play dates scheduled for the month of August.  I want to hold 4.  That means I need to find 2 more people to hold play dates in August for me.  I also want to have at least $600 in sales for the month of August.  That means that each play date needs to have at least $200 in sales.

I will let you know how I do in September.

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