Monday, September 22, 2014

What's in a name?

Over the summer the trademark was taken from the Redskins football team because the name they had for years was all of a sudden deemed offensive.  Now anyone can produce Redskins gear and make money off of it.  All of this was done to convince the Redskins to change their name.

We live in a climate of political correctness, but I ask you why is naming a foot ball team the redskins offensive.  To me I see football players as modern day warriors.  The Azteks  had similar warriors and they played a game that resulted in the captain of the winning team to be executed.  Why would naming a team after a group of people who we see as warriors for a sport where players can be seen as warriors be offensive?

Yes back in the day calling a native American a red man or redskins was offensive and intended as such.  Now in this day and age very few people even use the term redskin for anything other than sports.  There are so many terms that are old and outdated.  Some that were used in a derogatory manner and others that evolved and became offensive. 

Here is the things if something is not meant to be intentionally offensive and someone takes it offensively who has the problem, the person who takes offense or the person who did the offending? In my book its the person who takes offense that has the problem.  There are so many times that I feel like I have to walk on eggshells just so that I do my best not to offend someone when I don't intend to.  I personally am tired of trying to please everyone else.  My intention is never to intentionally offend.  If others take offense how is that my problem?

I think the world needs to get over themselves and just go with the flow.  Why should a proud and fierce football team have to give up a name that portrays just that?

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