Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The obsession with celebrity

Everywhere you go TV, Internet, Grocery Stores, Malls, etc.  there are stories about celebrities.  Who's dating who, Who's in rehab, what they are wearing, what their kids are doing, what they said.
Half of the news broadcasts are about celebrities and the rumors surrounding them.  A few years back I was standing in the grocery line and noticed that every magazine was talking about a certain celebrity couple.  Each magazine said something different, (they were getting married, they were having a baby, they were moving in together)  The reality was two weeks later they were no longer a couple. 

Who are celebrities these days?  They are Actors, singers, dancers, sports stars, kids of famous parents, royals, rich people, politicians, and infamous people. These people for the most part don't do anything very important, yet the media touts their opinions on everything from pets to world politics.

My question is why?  Who cares that Brad and Angelina finally got married, (I thought they had married years ago).  Who cares that some actor punched some photographer that got in their personal space,  who cares that such and such a singer went back to rehab once again.  Most people are not friends or even acquaintances with these celebrities, but the world at large feel they need to be privy to the most private moments of these peoples lives simply because everyone knows their name and face.

Just because a person is famous doesn't mean they have any real knowledge to base any opinions on. Yet the media constantly asks these people what they think of important issues.  Most of the time they are aligned with a cause or issue to get more media limelight that they don't need and guess what the world at large gives it to them. 

Wouldn't the world be a better place if instead of half of the news being about celebrity watching that news shows would show the good things average people are doing in their community.  Wouldn't it be great if more people were worried about important things going on in the world such as unrest in the Middle East and Africa.  Wouldn't it be great if people would spend their time researching the issues instead of just deciding on a side because a celebrity supported it? 

Yes our entertainers give us a wonderful service by offering a distraction from the daily grind of our lives through their music, shows, movies and games.  That is all it is meant to be.  We are not meant to hang on their every action and word like they were guru's of knowledge.  We are not supposed to check our common sense at the door in favor of finding everything we can about the people who entertain the masses but don't actually know them. 

Celebrities are just people with flaws and strengths like everyone else.  The put their pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else.  It just so happens that their job makes their name and face known to many people.  Its time to allow them to live their own lives without fear of paparazzi and invasion of privacy.  Its time to put more stock in our own lives instead of people we don't even know.  Its time to occupy ourselves with finding ways to help those in need instead of wondering what so and so wore to whatever award show.  We would be better people if we started focusing on what mattered instead of vain and foolish things.

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