Thursday, April 13, 2017

What I learned from failure?

I have been doing Direct sales off and on for the last 20+ years.  I have tried 8 different companies and must I say it, failed at every one of them.  I've done make-up, jewelry, nutritional supplements,home decor and kitchen aids.  I have never made more than a few hundred at each one.  Does this sound like you?

At one point I told my husband I would never do another direct sales company ever again.  What's the phrase never say never?  A little over a year ago I decided to hop on board another company saying that this time would be different.  It was.  I still have not become a leader or had a lot of customers, but that is okay.  I learned so much about what has been holding me back.

Earlier I did a post about reaching my dreams one business at a time, and yet I am considering doing another business.  Why is that?

When it comes to social skills and sales I am not the best person for it.  Personal interaction is not my strong suit.  With each of the companies I have learned a little bit more about what doesn't work for me.  I have also learned some things that do work for me.  Each company that I have worked for has given me valuable knowledge on how to run a business, how to do product presentations and how to interact better with other people.

I have come to realize that as much as I like the Plexus products, that I need to have good local leadership that does training, recognition, and opportunity meetings I can take people to.  I also need to have a product to show and not just rely on samples and testimonials.

So as I think about taking on another company I have learned that I need to do things differently than I have ever done it.  If I am going to do a party based business I need to get 3 people committed to being a hostess before I sign up.  I need to have a large launch party with more bookings coming from it.  Getting the training on doing Facebook parties will help me with that.

You may ask if I am not good at something, why do I insist on continuing to do it?  Well I do have dreams.  I do want to be more financially independent and have my own income without having to put my youngest child in daycare.  I want to be debt free and have the money to give to causes I wish to support.  I do want to be able to say I want to go do this and have the money to do it.

It took Thomas Edison 10,000 tries before he successfully created a light bulb.  Persistence will eventually pay off for me and I will be able to achieve my dreams.

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