Monday, October 6, 2014

Good thing I blog for myself and not to get followers.

Many of the subjects I blog about are controversial.  Even worse my opinions are neither politically correct or common.  As a result I have no followers and my all time high of 7 readers has been reduced to 2. 

Today I rant about two issues.  Ebola.  Our government refuses to take the necessary precautions in order to prevent Ebola from entering this country.  They have not refused entry to those who have traveled through infected areas and have no plans to do so claiming that it would prevent the infected areas from controlling and containing it.(huh?)  The President insists that current screening measures were sufficient.  The Dallas Ebola patient lied about his contact with the disease on his travel papers.  Imagine that.  Another case was found today as well.

Here is what I want to see.  If you are not going to restrict entry into this country from infected areas those who come into this country and everyone they come into contact on the plane need to be quarantined for 21 days(the length of time it takes for symptoms to show.) That's the least we should do.  What I would really like to see is no one who has traveled through infected area should be allowed into the country for 21 days after being around infected areas without showing symptoms period.  It's already spread to Spain where they don't know where the infection came from.

Gay marriage.  Marriage is the foundation to create and rear children.  Marriage was about ensuring that women who couldn't work and children were provided for and that men could not abandon their families without repercussions.  It was not about love or there never would have been arranged marriage.  It was about giving children a name and ensuring their inheritance.  It was also about family alliances through the children.  Gay marriage is about getting benefits and requiring those who do not approve of their lifestyle to accept their choice as acceptable.  Nothing else.  If it were solely about love then they wouldn't need a piece of paper to validate it. 

What people do in their bedroom behind closed doors is no business of mine, but when you start unraveling the very fabric of civilization by undermining the foundation of that civilization(families) then we have a problem.  When societies stop having their foundation be families they quickly decline and then disappear.  This has happened over and over again throughout history.  Since we have not learned our history we are doomed to repeat it.

Even though I do not participate in gay marriage, it does affect me as the decline of my civilization eliminates the rights and freedoms I hold dear.  No one should be prevented from having a job or getting a loan or home based on their lifestyle choices, but marriage and the family should be held sacred above all things. 

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