Thursday, October 9, 2014

You can't fight emotion with facts.

Have you never tried to debate an issue with anyone who has an argument solely based on emotion?
You  can't do it.

Here is what will happen when you try to bring facts into a debate fueled by pure emotion.  You will be called all kinds of names, racist, bigot, traitor etc.  Or you will be ignored.  I have had both things happen.  Many of the debates I have had have been about hot or controversial subjects.  When I go into a debate I try to leave religion or other emotional basis for opinion out of it.  If you bring in religion  then you are not speaking on the same plane since the understanding of religion is individual in nature.

 When I get into a debate I like to bring in all kinds of inconvenient facts.  People who are on the other side of the issue hate having facts brought out that show their opinion to be based on something other than fact.   They can not argue with those facts.  Since they can't argue with facts  and they refuse to back down from their position then they will do what they can to deflect away from the facts.  This is where the name calling comes in.  This is where you get people going off topic to prove a point already unproven. 

We live in a society where laws are based on someone's emotional opinion instead of proven fact.  If we fear something we outlaw it.  If enough people want something even if its proven bad for society we legalize it.  If enough people believe that something bad is good then policy is based on faulty information and if enough people believe that something good is bad then we cut off our noses to spite our feet.  Slavery was bad, but a small group of moneyed landowners thought it was good so the practice continued until enough people said enough.  Men enjoyed power and thought women feebleminded  until enough women made noise to the contrary. 

Likewise our society bases good and bad on the loudest or best funded group.  Until we base things on logic and fact instead of emotion we will get things backwards.

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