Thursday, May 4, 2017

Why I blog

This morning I woke up and did my usual morning routine.  I did one thing that I don't normally do and that is check my Facebook notifications and messenger notifications because I saw a Messenger icon on my phone when my alarm went off.  I did this before I exercised when I usually wait until later in the morning.  On my Facebook notifications my daughter commented on a titter post about my blog from yesterday.  Her comment was about how she was the one who suggested that I do a blog.

Originally I created this blog a few years ago as a way to vent my opinions.  My only outlet before had been my family and my teenagers were getting pretty fed up with listening to me.  My blog lasted a few months before I decided no one really wanted to hear my opinions and I quit.  The couple of years between then an now saw a lot of changes and topsy turvy living.

When I saw a call for blog submissions for a large site I followed I jumped right on and submitted a piece thinking it would never be accepted.  Not only was it accepted it was the first piece for a series of guest bloggers.  At that time I realized that maybe I did have something valuable to say and there were people out there who wanted to hear it.

I still write my blog to have a voice, but the kind of voice I choose to share has changed.  Instead of having a platform to showcase my opinions and daily experience, I decided to write posts to uplift and encourage others.  As I write each post sometimes the things I create are things that I have learned that might help other people.  Sometimes I write about things that I am in need of working on.  I know the steps to take, but I need to internalize them and begin doing them myself.

I am certainly no expert at anything that I write.  Most of my inspiration comes from books I read, trainings I go to, speakers I listen to and difficulties I am having.  I am just an average Jane trying to live an extraordinary life hoping that my journey will help others along the way.

Really, if you find yourself in the things that you read in my blog share it with others.  Not so I can go viral and become widely sought after, but in the hopes that my words can reach more people and touch those who need to hear the things I am trying to say.

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