I am writing this on the Friday of a Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day is a lot of different things to people. Its a 3-4 day weekend off from work. Its time to spend with family. Its the unofficial start to summer. Its time to enjoy the warming weather and more laid back attitude that comes with the heat.
For our family, Memorial Day is the 1st big holiday that we celebrate in the year as an extended family. Every year we have some kind of Barbecue or Fish fry inviting all the family and closest friends. This year the guest list is 37 I have been told.
Our large gatherings have a tendency to be rife with family drama and tension. We may try to curtail any issues that may be occurring, but something inevitably erupts when you have that many people in a small space.
I have had business associates that claim Memorial Day weekend is a great time to go out and network. There are so many festivals and gatherings that new people are never in short supply.
I would like to take a moment and talk about the real reason for Memorial Day. Memorial Day was started shortly after the civil war, in 1868, to honor those who died fighting it. It was called Decoration Day. Then as time went on and more wars were fought those war dead began to be included, but it wasn't until 1971 that the name was changed to Memorial Day and became a national holiday.
Although I can trace family members who have been in the military during each war and conflict since World War II I have been fortunate to not have any family members that died while fighting. I honor their service by raising my children to honor their country and the sacrifices made for the freedoms we enjoy today.
Many of the men and women who died for these freedoms we enjoy, did so out of a feeling of needing to serve the country they loved. Some died believing in the cause they were fighting so vigorously for. Some had no choice in joining the fight because they were drafted. Some fought because circumstances required it. All gave the ultimate sacrifice so that we could enjoy the freedom we have today, to live our lives the way we want. We have the right to vote, protest, speak against our government, and organize to change what we believe to be social wrongs. All because these men and women gave their lives for us to be able to do that. There are so many countries that don't have those rights.
Whatever your political affiliation, I hope that at some point this weekend you can take a moment to pause and remember the price that was paid for you to live the life you live today. This weekend is not about politics its about the sacrifices individuals have made and still make daily to ensure our freedoms.
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