When you plant a garden with seeds, you bury the seeds in the ground and you don't see them any more. You water and wait until 10-15 days later you start to see some sprouting. Then the real work begins. As things start to grow you can see how things are a little too close together so you thin out what you have planted. As the days go by you notice weeds growing and must pluck them out before they sap the water and nutrition from the good plants. You water and care for your garden until months later you are able to harvest what you have sown.
Some years, all your work will bring a bounteous harvest because the weather conditions were just right and the pests were kept at bay. Other years, the harvest is lean due to bad weather, disease or bugs. Sometimes the harvest is bad because you did not do enough to ensure a good harvest and other times you have no control over the elements.
Life is much like that. When you begin a goal or start a business you begin by planting the seeds. For goals you create an action plan and begin to implement it. For businesses you begin to approach potential customers and partners. You will find that things will not move smoothly right away. In fact it might feel like you are getting nowhere fast.
As you continue to work toward your goals or on your business and nurture the seeds that you have planted then you will slowly begin to see some results. Then it will be time to really buckle down and get to work. Continue to develop the business relationships and work on your action plan.
Sometimes things will happen that you have no control over. These things will hinder the process a bit. Sometimes things will grow bigger than you had anticipated and sometimes your own lack of attention will lessen your result.
Much like a garden it can take 3 months or more before the harvest is apparent. It takes work, patience and perseverance before you begin to see success. So ask yourself, what seeds are you planting today? What am I doing to nurture seeds I have planted before and what weeds are growing hindering my progress?
We reap what we sew. Don't expect to see good results if you haven't done the work to get there. Gardening, personal and business growth are active undertakings not passive ones.
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