I have dabbled in Direct Marketing off an on for the last 28 years. I have learned something from each company that I worked with. Last month I joined a new company. As I have begun to establish this new business I have realized something. Even though I wanted to have the success and big income, I never treated any of my other companies like a business.
What do you mean I never treated the other companies like a business? Well I never took the attitude that what I was doing was a business. If I was able to make sales great. Yes I talked to people and did a lot of activity trying to get each business off the ground. I understood how each company worked and learned a lot about direct sales. I still never got into the business mindset.
This business has started out with an entirely different attitude and outlook. When I signed up with my new company I saw the tremendous potential it had. As a start up direct sales company I wasn't going to find a consultant doing what I was doing every time I turned around. The type of products I sell are specific to an age group and developmental level so it already narrows down my customers from everyone to only those who are caregivers or work with children in that age level or developmental level. There is still plenty of flexibility as I can sell to parents and care-givers, schools, daycares, pediatric occupational therapists etc. I can do vendor fairs, in home demos, online events or business to business.
At first all this flexibility and potential was a bit overwhelming. I knew that I eventually wanted a big business, but my sponsor and spouse both said take a step back. Only go as fast as you are able. I had to set some priorities and schedules. First of all I had to sit down with my husband and talk about what kind of evening hours I would be able to work that would allow my priority to still be my family. I promised that I would only do 3 evening meetings a week and 1 big event a month. With the networking and mastermind groups that I do that meant that those evening networking meetings would have to take the place of any sales appointments I could have. I also had to talk about what his activities were so that I could plan around his evening schedules as well. This was a first for me. Actually negotiating when I could work. This was done because of the belief I held of the success of this venture.
The next thing that happened was I got an email late Saturday night with someone inquiring about joining our company. I was so excited I was going to hop on the computer and respond right then. My husband stopped me. He told me that I needed to set office hours. I couldn't work whenever the opportunity came up. If I started answering emails when it was time for bed then it would be a continued expectation. I realized the wisdom in this backed up and went to bed. Waiting to answer the email until the next day.
As I continue to establish my business and my branding I have had to make some decisions on how I plan to conduct my business. I have to narrow down who I will market to and where to place my energy. As my time is limited because I am homeschooling I can't market to all the possibilities. I have to make some tough decisions. For me that means the easiest for me to reach. That means parents and caregivers, that means homeschoolers and that means special needs. As much as I would like to reach out to the schools, daycares, and other professionals working with children, I just donot have the resources to do so at this time. That is not to say that if I am given an opportunity that I did not seek out that I won't take advantage of it.
My priorities are shaping my branding and I am okay with that. By taking my business seriously and narrowing my focus, I will have a much better outcome. By setting office hours and the evenings I can work immediately I am shaping the attitude that I work my business. I am planning on who I will market to. I am planning on when I will be marketing and I am coming up with a plan on how I will market.
By branding, setting office hours, making a business and marketing plan I am going at this business with a different mindset. I am keeping in mind my priorities and I am better able to see my potential instead of the company's potential.
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