I do not want to get political. I don't want to offend or alienate anyone, but today I have a heavy heart.
Last night a bomb went off at the end of a concert in Manchester, England. This was not a military target. This was not a political gathering. It was a concert where those in attendance were mostly children and teenagers.
Today 22 families have lost their loved ones. Today 59 other families are dealing with injured loved ones and today there are families still, who do not know where their loved one is.
A parent should not outlive their child and to have one taken in such a senseless act is an even bigger shock to the system.
I don't care what religion or political affiliation you are with, but any ideology that encourages the taking of innocent life in order to control what the population thinks, says or does is wrong. To not only condone, but encourage people to go after children is incomprehensible.
Filling the world with kind and loving acts is the only way to combat this ideology. Reaching out to those who are not like you lets them know that they are a human being who is cared about. Being kind costs nothing and can be worth so much more.
Today let us mourn with those who mourn. Tomorrow let us take action to change the dialog by being kind, going the extra mile and serving even the most difficult to serve. If we do then the world just might become a better place.
Yes we must take action to prevent this from happening again. We do need to find ways to stop those who would harm, but kindness and love can stop someone who is on the fringe from taking that step into the abyss that will continue this madness.
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