It happens a couple of times a year at least. It's time for the Pledge of Allegiance and some high school teenager has decided to not participate and sit in their chair. In a country where any child that attends a public school is told that they have no right to privacy or freedom of speech we find that this is not true. A child may have freedom of speech if it fits the liberal agenda.
I was taught that anytime the flag passed before you that standing up was a sign of respect for our country. Too many men and women have died to give us the freedoms we have now not to. I can understand an atheist not reciting the part of the pledge that states under God. I can even understand someone who doesn't recite it for religious reasons. What I don't understand is why they feel its necessary to show such utter disregard for the country that allows them the luxury of not saying a pledge of allegiance to the country they live in.
The very reason these same people have the right to refuse to say this pledge is the same reason they should at least show respect for what the flag stands for. Here is what I have to say to any American who refuses to acknowledge that men and women died to give them the freedom that they enjoy and that they deserve an acknowledgement for that through showing respect to the symbol of our country and their sacrifice. Standing up during the Pledge of Allegiance is not paying homage to any God anymore than standing when a woman walks in the room was in days gone past. It is simply an acknowledgement that you have respect for what the symbol represents which is our country and the constitution. If you hold no respect for this country or the freedoms that you enjoy then leave. Go live in a country that you do respect. My ancestors, my husband and my sons have served this country and to show such disrespect to the flag is to sow utter disdain for the service they did for this country.
Yes the constitution allows everyone the right t freedom of speech and the right to be completely disrespectful for any reason. If you hold this country in such low regard then why are you here?
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