We are busy people who wear many hats. As a Mom I am a maid, nurse, cook, personal shopper, taxi service, accountant and therapist. As a business woman I add even more responsibilities to that list. I am not alone. There are so many people in the world that are busy enough to only see their homes at breakfast and bedtime. They are on the go from the time that they get up in the morning to the time that they go to sleep. This is an unhealthy and unsustainable lifestyle. When you are under that much stress and burn the candle at both ends, it eventually comes back to bite you. Your immune system takes a big hit and your body will finally say if you don't rest I will make you.
When a person's body finally screams out enough is enough then you are down for the count. Illness will take over. In some severe cases this could be serious enough to require hospitalization. When that happens then how can you get what you need done? How are you able to take care of all of your responsibilities? I have a Father-in Law who is a workaholic. He is in his 70's and is still working. About 15 years ago he was forced to take a break when he got Pneumonia. Unfortunately this did not get the message to him and he just finished cancer treatment. Once again he is back at work even though, there are people to take over his company so that he can retire.
How do we prevent these serious interruptions in our life? Many of these illnesses are preventable. I am not talking about vaccines or anything like that. I am talking about lifestyle changes. The first thing that needs to happen is that people need to start getting enough sleep. Stop taking stimulants to get through your day in order to make it through. Sleep is when our body heals little injuries and fights illness the most and if you are not getting enough then your body is not working optimally.
Pay attention to what you are eating. Its not just about obesity. Its about making sure you get the proper nutrients for you body to fight illness and function. Add healthy supplements because our soil has become polluted and corrupted and the nutrients are being leached from it and anything that grows in it. Studies are showing that sugar is now the biggest threat to health not fat. Overindulgence in sugar can lead to diabetes, heart disease and other health problems. Eat enough protein. Protein contains amino acids which are the building blocks for not only good muscle health, but all the hormones and chemical that send signals in our nervous system. If we don't eat enough protein then those hormones may not be manufactured in high enough quantities to prevent mood disorders or other nervous system illnesses.
Stress itself can cause major health problems. We all experience stress so we need to learn to deal with it in healthy ways. This includes exercise, meditation, and taking time out from our busy lives to recuperate and decompress. This includes time management skills and learning to cut out those things in our life that do not align with our priorities. Many of us need to learn the word NO.
If we continue to pour out our energy on other people without refilling that energy, then eventually there will be no more to give out and our bodies will let us know that it can not continue. So take care of yourself. Take time out to rest and rejuvinate. Doing so will allow you to yell less, overcome stressful situations and enjoy your life. This is not selfish. It actually ends up making those who live around you have better lives as well. As your own stress levels diminish then so do the stress levels of those around you because you are no longer giving off an energy of desperation.
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