Wednesday, May 3, 2017

When things seemingly all fall into place but then fall apart

How many of you have had the scenario where it seemed like a project you were working on was coming all together with barely any effort on your part?You get all excited because things are going so well and you are on top of the world because everything is going right.  Then it happens the glitches start happening one by one and it feels like everything is falling apart.  You go from feeling all is right with the world to your world is coming to an end.

The above situation happens all the time.  How you handle this will make all the difference.  Do you go into panic mode and let fear run the show or do go into troubleshooting mode where you let your brain run the show?  What's the difference?  When you are in panic mode you are reacting to what is happening.  Everything is running on emotion and even if you are able to get it done, your stress level is at an all time high.  Your adrenaline is running and you are reaching for the closest solution.  When you are in trouble shooting mode you are looking at the situation in a logical manner.  There still may be some stress and adrenaline but it is giving you energy to see the situation through.  In troubleshooting mode you are looking for the best solution not the closest or easiest solution.

Being in panic mode often prevents a person from accomplishing all that needs to be done because they are not able to see past the immediate need.  Being in troubleshooting mode allows a person to look at the overall picture while still reaching for the end goal instead of just addressing the immediate problem.

If you look at things with an attitude of its all falling apart we are doomed  you will probably be right.  If you look at things with an attitude of how can we find a solution that will get us where we need to be, you will likewise be able to find that solution.

Basically if you are able to face unexpected challenges head on, you will be better off in the end than if you just get upset and react to those challenges.

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