Monday, July 24, 2017

Maintaining your motivation through life challenges

I was going to have a great weekend.  My vendor event was going to be amazing and I was going to find myself really busy with follow-ups this week.  That was my idealized weekend.  Here is what really happened.

I fell down the stairs carrying boxes out to the car.  That meant I wan not able to catch myself and landed on the edge of the steps causing deep bruising in the top portion of my backside.  I got to the event and began setting up.  It was outdoors and not only was it hot, but it was windy.  My easy up tent wouldn't stay up and things kept blowing around.

The attendance at the event was minimal and few of my target market attended even though it was a fundraiser for a private school with pre-K and Kindergarten.  I did talk to the head mistress of the school and she said she would give my card to the preschool teachers.  I went home early as I found sitting highly uncomfortable and the wind was not my friend.

I spent Sunday laying down doing my best to deal with my discomfort.

Its Monday and I have no new leads to follow up on.  Now what?

In life and business these things happen.  If I want to make a living with my businesses I need to get over it and just work through the challenges.  Easier said than done, right?

So I made some goals for this week.  I will write new affirmations.  The ones I have are old and losing their effectiveness.  I will post on my business page once each day for 5 days and I will talk to 1 new person for each of my businesses for 5 days.  Until I can do this on a regular basis, how do I expect to get anywhere?

Challenges will happen, but the best way to overcome them is to plan for them and create a contingency plan to overcome them.  Sometimes you will have to come up with a plan on the fly because you were unable to anticipate the challenge.  Other times you can see a challenge possibility ahead of time and plan accordingly.

If you come across an obstacle, you have to find a way over, under or around it.

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