Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Getting over the personal blocks to my success

I am not new to network marketing.  I have years of experience under my belt.  What I do not have is years of success under my belt.  Why is that?

I have had training from some of the most successful network marketers out there.  I know the need to do certain activities and I have even participated in those activities.  In fact with all that I have done, I should have been well on my way to living the life I want to.  I am not.

I have recognized that there are things within me that are holding me back.  Some of it is fear. Its not fear of rejection or fear of failure that is the problem.  Yes they exist, but that is something that I have learned to overcome.  The fear I am talking about is fear of success.  You may ask why would anyone fear success?  If you have lived a life where no matter how hard you worked, you were always looked over and each and every success that you have had only comes after conditions of others changed to allow you the success you desired, success would be a major change.

My ancestors were illiterate dirt movers.  Struggle and failure has become ingrained in the very fabric of my DNA.  My mother has worked very hard to overcome that with a small margin of success.  Keeping after dreams was not encouraged growing up.  Even though success is what I desire, it is not familiar or comfortable.

It is quite possible that as a result of this fear, I sabotage myself anytime I get close to the success that I want.

Until I took steps to change it, my outlook on life and my achievements was overwhelmingly negative.  I still have to battle with the I can'ts in my head.

I have a tendency to think differently than other people.  As a result of this I often have a difficult time relating well to others.  Its not that I don't like people or that I don't try to reach out, its that I have a difficult time finding people who think on my wave link.  We attract what we know.

So what am I doing to overcome all this?  Awareness is the first step.  I know the fear is there.  I need to recognize each time I pull back due to the fear and push harder instead.

I need to eliminate the word can't from my thought process and instead replace it with how can I accomplish it instead.

I need to try to find better ways to understand and relate to people.  Instead of using the fact that I just don't understand why someone feels a certain way as a wall, I need to find ways to set that aside and find other ways to connect.

Yes I have some pretty large obstacles to overcome, but with work I can and will overcome them.

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