Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th of July

I am unapologetically patriotic.  Both my husband and I have had family members in the armed services since at least World War II if not before.  We even have sons and a niece who have served.

Our country is not perfect.  It has done some major wrongs since its birth.  Today we are not united.  There is a growing sentiment towards moving away from what has made this nation great and turning towards a system that has done no good in other countries.  WE are at war with ourselves.

Our nation's freedom has been bought and paid for by the blood of countless supporters of freedom.  Yet we have groups of people who spit on the idea of religious and ideological freedom for all its citizens. We have people who want to hold back those who strive towards exceptionalism.

Yes there is much wrong in our country and we are still fighting to maintain the freedoms and rights so much blood was spent to gain.  Freedom isn't free and even if you are one of the people who are fighting against the freedom we have today you have the right to do that because of the blood that was spilled.

Today I celebrate our Independence and that fact that our country is like no other.  Our country may not be perfect, but I still believe that it is the best country in the world and we enjoy more freedom than any other country in the world.

Today is not just another day off of work or a day for summer fun.  Its a day to reflect on the freedom that we enjoy as Citizens of the United States of America.  In the words of John F. Kennedy " ask not what your country can do for you but, what you can do for your country."

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