When I first started with network marketing we were told to go out prospecting. That meant we went out specifically looking for people to talk to about our business. Guess what that didn't work out real well for me. I tried it and did quite a lot of it, but it never seemed to get me anywhere.
Fast forward quite a few years and here I am at it again. The difference is that while there are still a few people out doing the same things I was taught to do early on in the business, most have turned away from that concept because it didn't work for most people.
People don't want to be approached by complete strangers or fringe acquaintances, whether online or in person, and be given a sales pitch.
When I first started using social media to market my businesses that was what I thought I was being taught to do. I have now seen the error of my ways. I no longer message people I barely know with my business or opportunity.
I haven't abandoned my social media marketing I just do it a different way. I no longer post complete sales posts. I will mention my business in passing unless there is a special offer or event that I want to make people aware of.
Direct sales has become about building trust and relationships. I am beginning to finally understand what that means. I no longer try to build my business by abruptly bringing up my business. If through the course of a conversation I see where one of my businesses may be of benefit to someone then I will bring it up.
Today was great practice for me. I took my daughter to the park. I could have approached every parent there that had children the age my products were developed for, but I didn't. In stead I started up a conversation with someone who had a child playing near mine. Her daughter was a little young for my Fundanoodle business. Instead I started talking about home school and she said that her husband was homeschooled so they were big supporters of it. As the conversation continued I found out that she and her husband were Real Estate agents while her husband was going to school.
Rather than market the products that I sell to her, I asked her if she would be interested in joining a mastermind and referral group. She is very interested in it and I now have her name to connect with on social media. If she joins with our group I will be able to give her further information on my direct sales companies.
This is a new concept for me and I am really working hard to develop these relationships instead of throwing my businesses in their face hoping they will want it. I guess that means that even an old dog like me can learn new tricks.
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