Friday, June 16, 2017

Where do you find opportunities to improve your skills?

Its Friday and most people are looking forward to the weekend.  I am too but for a very different reason.  Tomorrow is my 1st vendor event with my newest business venture.  This week I have run off raffle tickets and flyers, made sure I had order forms and gotten out my calendar to block out all of my unavailable dates.

Fundnoodle is so new that anytime that I speak the name I get a what is that?  I personally think that is great because I have an opportunity to introduce my business to a new person every time I say the name.  I don't exactly have inventory to sell at this time, but instead I can offer the lower shipping cost for a party by having sales ordered and having them sent to my house where I will deliver them to the person who ordered it.

Yes I would love to have some sales, but more importantly I am looking for at least a couple of bookings.  This is how a direct sales party company works.  We don't work traditional hours but we do work.  At least we work if we are serious about having a successful business.

I am always looking for new and innovative ways to introduce people to what I do.  The biggest challenge that I have is to give out small amounts of information and wait for the customer or prospect to ask for more.  I instinctively want to spout everything that I know as quickly as I can.

Tomorrow I hope to do things much differently.  I plan to listen more than I speak.  I plan to generate interest by giving a small amount of info unless they ask me for more.  I want to pay attention to those who come to my table and make them feel important.  I want to ask them about what they are looking for and try to meet that need.

I am hoping that by doing things differently I will have different results.  Ultimately yes my goal for tomorrow is sales and bookings, but if I can practice all the skills that I have been reading about and trying to incorporate into the way I conduct my business then that will be even better.

Each vendor event, Playdate, Product presentation and educational fair is another opportunity to practice and hone my skills in direct marketing.  Each time I help someone with their business it is an opportunity to practice and hone my leadership skills.

The only way to improve is to practice and the only times I get to practice is when I am actually performing the tasks I need to perform in the working of my business.  There are no short cuts.

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