Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday Musings

For me today is the Sabbath Day.  Its a day of rest from worldly labors and a day to devote to the spiritual.  That means that along with my 3 hour church day I forgo recreational activities.  For me the Sabbath Day means to not only abstain from work for myself but to not cause others to work either.  So that means no movie theaters, restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations etc.  I do all my preparations on Saturday so that Sunday can be given to other things.

This is an unusual way of life, I will admit.  There are so many of the Christian faith that feel like going to church on Sunday is the only thing they need to do to keep the Sabbath Day holy as stated in the 10 commandments.  I am not trying to call any of you who feel that way on the carpet.  Its not for me to judge.  This is simply a statement of who I am.

So what do I do instead of all those worldly things I do on the other 6 days of the week.  In the morning I get up and put on worship music as we eat breakfast and get ready for church.  Then it is off to church for 3 hours.  Once back home we get serve yourself lunch.  Simple fare that is easy to put together.  I put a roast in the slow cooker so that it is ready to eat by dinnertime.  After that I spend my time reading from magazines published by my church, ready books published by my church and read the lessons for the following week so that I can fully participate in the classes.

Once a month I write letters to some women who don't come out to church and include our monthly newsletter to let them know what is happening in our congregation.  I also want these women to know that someone is thinking of them and that they are welcome and wanted.

Sunday is a time to spend with family.  We have a large extended family and that often means that we get together from time to time.  Sundays are often the only time we are all available to get together.

If the opportunity to serve others comes, even if it requires physical labor, then we do our best to meet whatever need arises.

We are human and the rest of my family doesn't necessarily observe the Sabbath as strictly as I do.  As a result after church you will find the TV on in my home and my husband does watch the Superbowl every year.

Even for members of my faith Sabbath observance is personal and open to interpretation.  There is no list of you can do this and you can't do that.  There is just a general guideline given to follow with the membership following to the extend their own conscience requires.

The point of this is to become more Christlike.  Learn to treat others with Love as he would have and learn to love God with all our heart, might and mind.  For are not these the 2 great commandments.  Love God and Love our Neighbors.  That is who I am striving to be.  To love God and my neighbors as Jesus did.

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