One of the biggest changes that I have seen in this go round of network marketing is this. Before you get started setting goals, figure out why you are doing it and write it down. The why you are doing things is supposed to be your go to point when you are ready to quit what you are doing.
When I first started thinking about my why I thought it was pretty cut and dried. I wanted to help people and maybe enough money to help afford all the things I wanted to do with my daughter as I home schooled her. Then I was told that my why needed to bring me to tears almost to be more engaging. Okay so then I started thinking that I wanted to be debt free with money in the bank so I wasn't so stressed out anymore. I wanted to be able to remodel my house into something of more quality and I wanted to be able to earn the company car program because I had never owned a brand new car.
I have kept hold of that why. Even then this why is still not engaging enough. Yes I know all the great things I can do with money. The thing is I am not motivated by money. I have enough and even if we struggle to pay the bills and we don't have health insurance or get to go on vacation as a family, I just don't feel deprived. So yes I would love to give more to charity and be able to afford online schooling for my child so I am not the one putting the lesson plans together, this is just not enough to keep me motivated when things don't work out as quickly as I would like.
The truth is I just don't think like someone with money and that is holding me back.
So all of my efforts toward understanding my why are just not paying off. Why may that be? Could it be that I am not being honest with myself? Could it be that I am a lot more selfish than I want to believe I am? The answer is yes.
My reality is that other than being a Mom, all I wanted to do was be a rock star or actress growing up, but I wouldn't pursue that because my mother told me I would never succeed. My biological Father abandoned his family to pursue this dream and never made it. Once I decided to choose family over fame, I stopped reaching for the limelight. I still didn't care about money, I just wanted everyone to know who I was.
If I am being honest with myself now then I need to change my why. I have been a stay at home Mom for over 20 years. I do not lack intelligence or skill. Yes I have raised some pretty great children and will some day sooner than I wish be a great grandmother. Its not enough for me. I feel like I have wasted my potential and I want something more. I want to be able to look back on my life and say see I accomplished something. As much as I would like to believe that my motivating factor is in reaching out to others, my reality is I really am all about me. Maybe when I can honestly change my focus to others I will be able to have the dream.
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