I came up with the name uniqueworldmom a few years ago. As a woman with old fashioned views and an ability to look at issues with an open mind, I felt that my worldview was truly unique. As a Mom I also raised my children with this perspective and continue to teach my youngest daughter this way of looking at the world.
When I first started this blog it was about writing about whatever caught my fancy. Then I abandoned it for years. When I took it up again my purpose changed and as I wrote consistently it continued to evolve.
So here it goes. What is Uniqueworldmom? This is the brand that I have chosen. This brand houses 2 direct sales companies that are very different and 1 blog.
My first direct sales business is what started me on my current journey. I found Plexus a year and a half ago and these health products helped to change my life and my perspective. I felt so much healthier and had so much energy that I chose to share the product with others. This company has such a culture of self improvement that it also began a program of personal and professional development that has increased my self-confidence and led to me submitting my first guest blog post. It was accepted and I once again decided to take up my blog.
My second direct sales company was begun when I decided that I wanted something different than what I was already doing. I went looking for a new company by starting with the well established companies. When I didn't find something that appealed too me I went looking at start-ups. Growing up in a household of educators the early education products of Fundanoodle Learning really resonated with me and I made the decision to join very quickly. This journey is an amazing one as I work to help shape a company that has so much potential.
My blog is not meant to be a recruiting tool or a sales tool. You will find that I don't write much about the companies that I sell products for. That is not my purpose. I have had a lot of struggles in my life. I have had and continue to have a difficult journey in the direct sales industry. I write in the hopes that others can see themselves in what I write and might walk away with some kernel of inspiration that will allow them to keep trying. I want to inspire others that even if they are struggling it is not the best option to give up.
Business is not the only part of my life, so from time to time I write about movies I have seen, books I have read and other things that I am doing. I am a mother and a homeschooler on top of everything else. I do try to keep my political and personal belief system out of my writing, but sometimes there is just something that I have to write about and its not meant to offend or promote my views. Sometimes I just feel so strongly I just need to vent. That being said I hold very strongly to my views and opinions. They were formed after much research and experience not at the whims of the media or political party. I am neither Republican or Democrat. I think that politicians are pretty much corrupt no matter how you look at it.
So if you can see yourself even a little bit in this, I hope that I can inspire you to be your best self. Please subscribe and share this with those you feel it could help as well.
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