The first step in any success is trusting yourself to do it. We all have that little voice in the back of our heads. For those who trust in themselves that voice is always saying go ahead you've got this. For those who don't trust themselves the voice is full of doubt and negativity.
This is something that I struggle with. So this is how I am tackling this issue. I have recognized that this negative voice is a result of a lack of trust in myself. It doesn't matter how this lack of trust happened. It just is.
In order to change this dialog I must do something about it. No one else can do this for me. I choose to do just that. The next step is to recognize that negative voice and stop it in its tracks. Until I develop that trust in myself I will have to do this many times daily.
Now that I am working on stopping that negative voice, I can take the next step. That is to set goals that will allow me to prove that voice wrong. Those goals don't have to be large to begin to develop that trust. That goal may be to simply make 3 phone calls related to my business that day. Each time that I do that activity I build trust in myself.
As I accomplish each task I build trust and can begin to reach for higher goals. This is not an overnight thing. This rebuilding of trust in myself will take some time.
As I consistently begin to do the things that I say I will do not only do I rebuild trust in myself, but I begin to build the trust of others in me.
Once the trust or confidence in myself gets to a certain point than others will take notice. As I begin to gain their trust then it becomes easier to accomplish the goals that I set for myself. When I am consistently hitting my goals in business than others begin to ask what I am doing to be successful. As my success grows so does my team and as they follow the things that I have been doing so does their success.
Each layer of trust begins to spread outward and builds more trust. That is how people build successful businesses whether it be brick and mortar, internet or direct sales.
Success begins with trust in ones self and taking personal responsibility to develop that trust.
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