Its Labor Day and a time to reflect on all that Labor Unions have done for us. In the beginning they did good things. Better workplace conditions, better pay and benefits and a protections from being arbitrarily let go of your job. These were all good things.
What have labor unions done for us today, eliminated merit based promotions, guaranteed jobs regardless of work quality, taken the workers voices and made it into a farce so that the money machine for the unions keep going. Unions can overturn the vote of the workers and do so if its not in the best interest of the unions. We found this out when my husband was a shop steward for
Kenworth. He found out just how powerless he was to change anything because of the Union.
My mother found out just how much the Union wouldn't help her when they knew that ageing teachers all over the district were being summarily dismissed.
Union products are usually inferior because of lack of motivation to put forth the workers best efforts. In road and construction projects it usually means projects not being done by deadlines and cost overruns.
Today we have OSHA and a firm understanding of how to approach our legislators to get needed changes made. We have ways to make sure that workplace safety is ensured and that workers are paid what the job they do is worth without the need of a third party. So what exactly do Unions do now? They lobby the government about their own agenda's instead of listening to the workers they represent. Case in point most teachers, and emergency workers vote contrary to what the Unions want at the polls. Unions have become a political machine instead of a voice for the workers they are meant to represent.
The Unions did their job. Their workers are now educated about their rights and how to make sure they keep them. Workers now know how to collectively bargain without the intrusion of a third party. Now its time for the Unions to close up shop and move on.
We thank the Unions for all that they have done, but they have outlived their usefulness. Its time for workers to have their voice back and not be puppets to a political machine.
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