Now that you have your dreams written down and an action plan to achieve them that means that you will be automatically successful right? Wrong! In order to get where you want to be it takes working your action plan on a consistent basis.
If you are looking at nutrition and fitness that means you need to get out and exercise at least 3 times a week, every week. It also means following your nutrition plan daily. For a new business that means you need to be doing income producing activities weekly if not daily depending on what type of business you have and what level of success you want to achieve. If you are in direct marketing and you want to reach the top of your company's pay chart quickly then you need to be working your business 5-6 days a week, every week. If you want to have a working business, but not necessarily get to the top the company then you need to be doing those income producing activities 2-3 days a week, every week.
Whatever goal that you have set you need to do the activity it takes to get there. The key is the consistency. If you want to write a book but only have one day a week to work on it then you need to work on it that one day every week.
If you only work your action plan on a hit and miss basis or when you remember, it is highly unlikely that you will actually reach your goal.
So take a look at what your dream or goal is. Look at what time you have to spend on it and then set a schedule for when you will work on it. What ever that time set aside be it many or few hours weekly its working those hours every week that will get you to where you want to go.
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