So in these difficult political times there are so many non-politically correct truths. Politicians who tell these truths get lambasted and often resign over these unpopular truths. There was a big one a few election cycles ago.
A republican politician resigned after outcry from his statement that pregnancy rarely results from legitimate rape. There was a huge reaction from women's groups so this politician resigned. The truth of the matter is that there was a study done and it showed that a woman's body needed the right environment for a pregnancy to be created and that rape whether violent or not rarely produced a pregnancy due to this factor. It did not say that pregnancy did not occur from rape and neither did the politician it said that it was rare.
The next unpopular truth that I address is that requiring voters to prove who they are through government issued ID is necessary to prevent voter fraud. The backlash was that this disenfranchises minority voters and can't possibly be constitutional. Here are the facts. In order to get public assistance, an apartment or any living space, in order to get a job, a bank account or do any kind of legal transaction you have to have a government issued picture ID. In the state of Virginia I think its $10.00 to get a state issued ID. Here is the other uncomfortable fact. North Carolina enacted their voter ID policy the last primary election cycle. Their policy is currently under legal challenge so they have gathered the statistics. They found that a higher percentage of minority voters had turned out to vote than in the primary election 4 years prior. Thus proving that there was no disenfranchisement of minority voters with a voter ID law.
There is one last truth I wish to address. Today a Republican politician resigned over comments made about Medicaid, welfare and women of child bearing age. He stated emphatically that women on Medicaid and welfare should either be on Norplant or other long-term birth control while on government assistance or get a tubal ligation. Why should women on government assistance be allowed to continue to increase their families when they can't afford the family they have? These women are generally unmarried. This is a broad generalization but the fact is it is very difficult to qualify for food stamps or Medicaid if you are married and you live with your husband. My brother-in-law was fired and did not qualify for unemployment. My sister-in-law went to get food stamps and was told that they couldn't help her unless she separated from her husband. They should at least institute a policy that your benefits will not increase if your family grows larger.
Maybe the way that these statements were made was not the most tactful or the most respectful way of saying them but they are truths none the less. We need to stop being about political correctness and be about truth. Unfortunately we live in a society where truth is relative. If you speak the truth you can be considered a revolutionary. Well I for one would rather be a revolutionary than to speak falsehoods or half-truths to become popular. Who's ready to join me?
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